Bittersweet Holidays

This December marks the 24th anniversary of my father’s death. For those of us who have lost loved ones around the holidays, this time of year brings a mix of emotions. Losing my father at a young age shaped my life in many ways, especially my vocational journey. His long battle with heart disease was […]

National Weight Control Registry

The holidays are almost upon us and with them comes much feasting! So it’s no wonder that New Year’s resolutions often reflect a desire to improve our diet and exercise habits. The older I get, the less confidence I have that my New Year’s plans will be effective or sustainable. We are living in a […]

In Defense of Eggs

In this age of information overload, we are constantly bombarded with health and nutrition advice from so many sources – some more reputable than others. To compound the confusion, it may also seem like “experts” often change their minds and the advice given next year may contradict current recommendations. Remember when margarine was “healthier” than […]

Taste Preferences

One of the most fascinating areas of current research is how taste preferences are developed. Although there is a genetic component, environmental factors play a huge role in determining why we like to eat what we like to eat. It all starts in the womb! The ability to taste begins in the first trimester and […]

Drinking Ourselves Fat?

I watched an interview last night on the News Hour with Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo. In an attempt to improve the health of Americans, the largest soft drink manufacturers worldwide have announced they will decrease the calorie content of their sugary drinks during the next 10 years by 20%. Part of their strategy will […]

I Love Breakfast

I love mornings. What a gift to have a bright, new, fresh start every 24 hours. Next to my devotional time and my shower, breakfast is the third main excuse for loving mornings. My current favorite breakfast menu item is oatmeal smothered with fresh peaches and berries. When I used to smother my oatmeal with […]